“Tom has a rare and valuable gift. It is an ability to perceive life through the innocent lens of his charges . . . Informed by sensitive observation and immersion in their culture, Tom is uniquely in tune with the authentic hearts, minds and motivations of the children with whom he interacts . . . In this delightful, insightful collection of essays, Tom shares his experience and unique observations as a teacher and grand master of shenanigans . . .”
~ Janet Lansbury, author of Elevating Child Care and No Bad Kids
“Teacher Tom sees little children with his eyes wide open and helps us see them as fully formed, fascinating, thinking human beings worthy of our respect. He knows and shows that children teach themselves and that the job of educators is to provide the kinds of communities in which children can do that best. I recommend this book to everyone concerned with children and the future of humanity.”
~ Peter Gray, Ph.D., Research Professor of Psychology and author of Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life “Teacher Tom is one of those rare beings who is able to really see and hear children for being the very ones that they are. His stunningly articulate writing puts into words what children the world over need us to know – that they are born to grow and we are here to honor them on that awe-inspiring journey.” ~ Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, R. Psych., author of Discipline Without Damage and Parenting Right from the Start “If you spend time with young children, you need Teacher Tom’s Second Book. Dip into this collection of essays, stories, and parables whenever you need inspiration or an affirmation of the innate goodness of young human beings. You’ll be delighted by Teacher Tom’s emotional generosity, humor and insight, which come together in “Aha!” moments that both re-affirm and challenge some of our most deeply held beliefs about children and how they learn.” ~ Dr. Laura Markham, author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids “Teacher Tom’s Second Book has once again captured his profound understanding of children. His stories and insights are not only thought provoking, they are full of compassion, respect and hope. This is a must read for everyone who lives with, or works with our precious young children.” ~ Maggie Dent, parenting and resilience educator, and author of Saving our Children from our Chaotic World, Real Kids in an Unreal World, 9 Things, and Mothering our Boys “When Tom addresses a topic, early childhood educators pay attention – because they know he speaks from experience. But mostly, they know how deeply he cares for children. Teacher Tom’s Second Book is filled with the wisdom and insights we’ve come to expect from him. As usual, he pulls no punches – and I, for one, am thrilled!” ~ Rae Pica, author of What If Everybody Understood Child Development? “Childhood and the richness of play need advocates with a strong and passionate voice like never before. If you’re seeking a clear understanding of who children are and how we can value them, then look no further than Teacher Tom - beyond inspirational...” ~ Greg Bottrill, author of Can I Go And Play Now? “Teacher Tom’s poignant blog posts first captivated me back in 2009. His heroic ability to speak the truth on the behalf of children ignited my own passion to share TimberNook with the world. This book is truly a gift for both parents and teachers alike.” ~ Angela Hanscom, TimberNook founder & author of Balanced and Barefoot “A treasure! Teacher Tom facilitates higher learning in his preschoolers by trusting these “experts” to show him the way. In this second book, Tom shares more insights from his interactions and observations of children, opening a window into their developing minds as they gain autonomy, confidence, and social intelligence.” ~ Janet Lansbury, author of No Bad Kids |
“This inspiring book is essential reading for every family choosing a preschool, every teacher working with young children, and every citizen who wonders how we can raise children who will make the world a better place. Teacher Tom’s warmth and respect for children clearly creates magic in the classroom; that same magic leaps off the page to transform the reader’s view of children, of education, and of life.”
~ Dr. Laura Markham, author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids “What do kids really need to grow up curious, confident and kind? You’re holding the answer.” ~ Lenore Skenazy, founder, author, Free-Range Kids “Ready for a book that makes you want to underline and highlight? One that makes you draw arrows and write “THIS!!!!!” in the margin? Then you are in for a treat. Salt and peppered with just enough name drops and references to keep the early childhood nerds engaged and overflowing with anecdotes that will appeal to everyone, Teacher Tom’s First Book will reinforce the importance of creating community within early childhood environments. If you’ve picked up the book and turned it over to read the back, chances are high that you already are one of the “tiny bubbles” Teacher Tom talks about—but read it anyway—it will deepen your commitment to continue treating children as fully formed humans, not as incomplete adults.” ~ Lisa Murphy, M.Ed., Early Childhood Specialist, Ooey Gooey, Inc. “Tom Hobson, our caped hero of all things righteous in the early childhood world, inspires us to be heroic in our own work with young children, and reminds us that it is the children who are the heroes of the story as they embark on adventures of discovery, wonder, democracy, and play.” ~ Rusty Keeler, play designer and author, Natural Playscapes and Seasons of Play “Great (educational) practice are the bricks, Teacher Tom and people like him are the cement to build a real future for our children.” ~ Tom Shea, “The Imaginator,” International Play Iceland, Fafunia and Child First, UK “Tom Hobson has worked tirelessly to do what’s right for children and, with his blog, to encourage others to do the same. Now, with the publication of this book, his work will have even greater reach, and that can only bode well for children everywhere! Thanks, Tom, for all that you’ve done and continue to do to ensure that children experience a childhood as joyful as it was meant to be.” ~ Rae Pica, author of What If Everybody Understood Child Development? “Few people are better qualified to support people working in the field of early childhood than Tom Hobson. He is funny, tender and completely engaging. Everyone will want a copy to affirm what you believe, transform ideas for your daily work, and defend what is needed for children and families. It is a book you will want to keep close to your soul.” ~ Daniel Hodgins, author of Boys: Changing the Classroom, Not the Child, and Get Over It! Relearning Guidance Practices “Teacher Tom’s First Book is so full of insight, wisdom, and heart that I can’t wait for Teacher Tom’s Second Book. Stop reading the back-cover blurbs and dig into the book right now so you can hop on the interwebs and talk about it with the other early learning nerds.” ~ Jeff A. Johnson, speaker, podcaster, toymaker, and author of Finding Your Smile Again, Let Them Play, and Everyday Early Learning “Teacher Tom was one of the first people we called to be interviewed for Kids in the House. The stories he tells on his blog and now in this book are about tiny moments that shine a big light on the challenges and joys of being important adults in the lives of young children.” ~ Leana Greene, CEO of Kids in the House, and mom “Tom’s book is soul food for educators. It helps keep our focus on children—their needs, rights and ensuring their voices can be heard loud and clear—be that from the top of a slide or whispering in a homemade den.” ~ Juliet Robertson, author of Dirty Teaching, Scotland “Tom’s first book is chewy: awesome, brain-stretching, flavorsome . . . This is a book you will go back to forever to challenge your ‘taste buds’ and reflect on your pedagogical preferences.” ~ Tash Treveton, co-founder/managing director of Inspired EC, Australia “Through Teacher Tom’s lessons from preschool we all learn to work thoughtfully alongside children. This collection of his writings both validates and in some cases challenges my thinking pushing me to reflect and redefine my daily work with children. A must read for educators and parents alike.” ~ Kisha Reid, founder of Discovery Early Learning Center |